Property Management staff will be on annual leave at this time, please refer to the below instruction in regards to maintenance during this time.

Emergency repairs include such situations as:

  • Burst water service
  • Gas leak
  • Blocked or broken toilet
  • Fault/damage likely to cause injury
  • Serious roof leak
  • Electrical shock/fault

Our afterhours tradesman are to be called to arrange emergency maintenance. Please refer to the Emergency contacts listed on the General Tenancy Agreement as well as refer to the RTA Form 17a – Information Statement provided in the Tenancy Moving In Kit at the start of your Tenancy.

Plumber: Pasfield Plumbing – 07 3287 1553
Electrician: Platinum Electricals – Ramsey – 0404 589 290
Locksmith: Jetkey Locksmith – Wayne Chen – 0432 719 020
Fire / Break in: Police – 000

PLEASE NOTE – these tradespeople are for emergency purposes only. If the item for repair does not fall into the catergories above, it is deemed not to be an emergency and will be dealt with as normal repairs and maintenance in the new year when the office reopens.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE – If any of these tradespeople are called out to a property and it is deemed by the tradesperson, to be the tenants fault. (ie. Foreign object blocking the toilet) you the tenant will be responsible for the whole cost of the invoice. Also, if it is deemed NOT an emergency and a tradesperson is called out to your property. You will be responsible for the cost of the whole invoice.

All general repairs and maintenance must be forwarded to our Agency in writing so we can act accordingly upon our return from leave.

We recommend ALL TENANTS to check the currency of their Contents Insurance Policy and ensure the Policy cover is adequate for your needs. Unfortunately, the summer holiday season is a time when the risk of burglary and storm damage is a higher risk. A reminder that a Tenant’s personal belongings are NOT covered under the property owner’s Insurance Policies.

Typically the holiday season is a time for gathering with family and friends to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. With this in mind, please be mindful of the Tenant obligations of the General Tenancy Agreement, and, if applicable, the Body Corporate By Laws.

If lawn and garden maintenance are Tenant obligations in the Terms of your lease, please make appropriate arrangements if you are going away for holidays.

Please contact a Locksmith at your expense.

A reminder that two (2) weeks notice in writing is required if you intend to vacate on the lease expiry date or after that date. The prescribed form was provided in your Tenancy Moving In Kit. On the dates that our office is closed as specified previously in this Guide, our office will not be able to complete a vacating inspection. You will be required to return your keys to our office on the first office open day and our staff will endeavor to complete the inspection within 3 business days of your keys being returned. We strongly recommend that keys are NOT posted to the office or slid under the door of our office as this may increase risk to you as a Tenant of the property.

As the temperatures rise, cooling off in a portable pool may be considered a solution, however, please be aware that Pool Safety Laws may require a portable pool of any size including a children’s wading pool to be fully fenced. Before buying or using a blow up pool or other portable pool, Tenants must first seek permission from the Lessor in writing. If permission is granted, it is then the responsibility of the Tenant to ensure that ALL fencing requirements are met in accordance with relevant Legislation. We recommend you refer to the Department of Local Government and Planning – for further information.

Over the holiday period, Rent payments continue to be payable as specified on your General Tenancy Agreement. The payment of rent is a condition required on your General Tenancy Agreement and we would remind you that whilst our office may not be open during this period, the obligation to pay rent still continues. Should you require assistance in arranging alternative methods of rent payment during this period, please contact our office before the closed period. Our office is obligated to take action for the late payment of rent so please ensure you continue to make your payments as per your Tenancy Agreement.

The traditional storm season has commenced. Please take all necessary precautions to ensure the property is secure with windows closed before leaving for the day or if going away. If heading off on holidays, please secure garden or veranda items that could cause potential damage in strong winds. It is a recommendation to keep copies of important personal papers including insurance policies, property title documents and birth and marriage certificates in a safe place.

Summer is peak holiday time for many of us. Unfortunately it also is a time when intruders seem to increase their activity. It is a timely reminder for us all to be vigilant with security. Security measures may include tasks such as double checking doors and windows are locked before leaving the property, advising Police and neighbours if you are going away, arranging for a neighbour to collect your mail and avoiding leaving the refuse bins out on the footpath.